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Yoga Lineage

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Ecstatic Yoga Lineage


A whole, harmonious experience of Sacred Embodiment provides an empowered and joyous way of living. Inspired by John, The Beloved and forwarded by his mother Grace. Dive into the depths of Samadhi and the ecstasy of rapture while connecting intimately with the subtle and sacred body. Become more than just a yoga instructor, become one with the Divine Self and all Life.


We believe it is a sacred divine experience to be infinite divine consciousness having a physical experience. We embrace the experience and intend to live life for the utter joy of the experience. We realize the more present and embodied we are to the Divine that flows to and through us, the more powerful we can be in the world and the greater impact for good we can have on the planet and for humanity.


Ecstatic yoga offers a comprehensive training in becoming a proficient yoga instructor mastering the physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual and energetic aspects of yoga. An all inclusive approach that includes aspects of all the four yoga’s, as well as samadhi, mindfulness, asana practices, body temple, analytics, kriya philosophy, ceremony, ecstatic rapture, chant, breath, movement... living an ecstatic life.


We focus on deep self-love and integrate healing samskaras and emotional wounds. We teach empowerment of the mind/body/emotional connection. We study Patanjali's sutras to overcome the diversions and distractions of the mind, powerfully committing to raise the consciousness and take responsibility for our thinking so we can focus our attention on the dreams and visions that inspire us and serve humankind in the highest form possible.


We dig deep into meditation and samadhi experiences as well as extend our energies to ever-expanding states of ecstatic rapture, dance, chant and lifestyle. Becoming as fully alive, joyous, self-expressed and free as our hearts allows us. Loving living life!


We teach yoga to assist with physical, emotional, and energetic health and wellbeing, inviting vibrant health and aliveness to be our natural state of being. We include asana both yin and yang, pranayams, meditation and embodiment processes becoming well rounded awakened yoga instructors that travel the globe teaching sacred embodiment.


Ecstatic Yoga honors the original goal of yoga, to yoke, to become one… one with all life, all that is, one with our Atman or Infinite Self, one with our eternal Source and Creator, that which sustains our existence each moment of our lives, one with the God of our understanding, Brahman.


Ecstatic Yoga lineage includes online immersions... Samadhhi, Mindfulness, Asana I, Body Temple, Analytics, Kriya Philosophy, Sacred Ceremony, Ethics & Rapture. We also offer a 12 week intensive course with online and live on line and in person options. as well as a 10 day in person intensives at our One World Sanctuaries in Lava Hot Springs and Playa Dominical Costa Rica, an international destination where the sea meets the mountains.


Story of how Ecstatic Yoga Arose into Being


Ecstatic Yoga was inspired by my childhood when I would enter into what I would call freeze experiences while wandering in the woods of New England. I would be playing in the woods in very ecstatic states as I did every day and every once in a while I would have a spontaneous spiritual experience of entering into expanded consciousness, sometimes everything would become sparkly, sometimes my body would freeze and I would experience what I called “Talking to God” although there were no words spoken.


In the 1980’s after struggling with an eating disorder and depression I began my yoga journey taking yoga classes in college and visiting Yoga Centers for yoga retreats. My first retreat was at Kripalu Center in Massachusetts... a 10 day raw juice fast and yoga retreat. I then began going to yoga retreats most every college break. While I wasn’t attending retreats I was practicing yoga in college and at home.


I became involved in A Course in Miracles in 1979 and it eventually brought me to Endeavor Academy in Madison, Wisconsin where I began my journey into the ecstatic rapture or “Going into the Light.” On June 19th, 1994 I drove from Massachusetts to Wisconsin in 24 hours to spend a month at Endeavor Academy with my two children, who were 4 and 2 years old at the time. John was 2 years old and was fully potty trained by the end of that trip. When I first arrived, I witness over 100 people “Going to Light” and I was quite mystified and even wondered if they were all just faking it. The group of people were laughing and crying in ecstasy for hours. I couldn’t feel that same ecstasy… it seemed they were in another world than I was, a space I was not connected to. After spending a few days joining the light sessions I had a strong desire to experience this ecstasy myself.


I met a new friend Beau, who is now a lifelong friend, he told me to keep joining the light sessions and stay open by saying “Yes” and “Thank You.” Beau’s friend Bethie was so kind to watch my precious children during the 2 hour morning light sessions. After about a week continuing to join the light sessions and practicing the coaching from Beau, I finally broke through and experienced the ecstatic rapture. I continued to go to light and the experience began to increase and intensify. After leaving the Endeavor Academy I and my children moved to Salt Lake City, Utah and lived with Beau and Bethie and practiced going to light daily. A year later I and my two children returned to Endeavor Academy for an entire two months going to light with over 100 open hearted souls daily. During that time the rapture experience blew up for me,  it took me over like a tidal wave, and I was experiencing rapture almost 24/7.


I came back home to Salt Lake City and continued to go to light with Beau and Bethie weekly as I had moved into my own home with my children across town. I found a Kripalu Yoga class on Friday mornings in 1996 with Virginia Aldridge and I again began to enter into spontaneous samadhi’s. The first time it happened I was in savasana at the end of the yoga class, I went so deep my body froze like when I was a child and I entered into expanded awareness. I was frozen for three hours and could hear the yoga students leave the class and the second yoga class enter. I remembers being in the very middle of the room laying on her mat frozen. I continued to attend this yoga class, yet always set my mat at the very side back corner of the room because I could never know when a spontaneous samadhi would occur. And they did, spontaneously and intermittently. I became a yoga teacher in 2008 and continued practicing rapture and became inspired to create Ecstatic Yoga.


I began practicing Samadhi meditations almost daily in my home, often lasting 3-4 hours. I continued this practice for several years. I still had a vision of creating an Ecstatic Yoga school yet with my charitable work with Center for Awakening, One World Events, an emerging coaching business I hadn’t done the work to create a syllabus and get it approved by the Yoga Alliance.


On a beautiful sunny summer day my beloved son John 25 years young and I were hiking Mount Olympus and half way through the hike John turned to me and asked with great love and intensity to please get Ecstatic Yoga School created… so he could become a yoga teacher under my lineage. I had known he was practicing yoga every morning that summer, often naked on the back deck of his home, yet I had no idea he had a desire to become a yoga teacher. I promised him that day that I would get my school registered and open so he could become a yoga instructor under Ecstatic Yoga lineage.


A week later my beloved son John passed away. After his passing I spent the first nine months creating the school and getting it as a registered yoga school through Yoga Alliance. It was his inspiration that finally, inspired me, or put that fire under my but to finally create Ecstatic Yoga, sacred embodiment School.


Welcome to Ecstatic Yoga lineage, as a student of Ecstatic Yoga you will be able to teach at yoga retreats at our Sanctuaries in Lava Hot Springs and Costa Rica and CommUnity Yoga centers all over the world and all 500 hour students will be able to teach Ecstatic Yoga Teacher trainings like this one.


I am deeply grateful to have you as a student under this sacred lineage, knowing it attracts light beings who are here to make a powerful, positive difference in the world and assist in bringing Heaven to Earth. I know we will be blessed by you and may you be infinitely blessed by this training and always be held with great love in the heart of this lineage.

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