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Basking in the Bliss
3 Day Immersion
Samadhi I Mindful I Asana 1 I Body Temple I Asana 2 I Philosophy I Ceremony I Ethics
Six Samadhi Journeys
3 Ecstatic Asana Practices
3 Ecstatic Pranayama & Meditation Practices
3 Empowerment Exercises
3 Yoga Philosophy Overviews
3 Rapture Meditations
Sanctuary Accommodations
Dates, Price & Locations
The intention of Yoga is "To Yoke" or become one with Human Self and Divine Self, or the God of your understanding. It is said by many ancient yogic traditions that the Yoga Nidra or Samadhi state is the ultimate goal of all yoga. We will practice Yoga Nidra each day of the retreat.
Samadhi is a state of intense concentration achieved through meditation, concentration and bringing a focused awareness and connection to the inner being. In Hindu yoga this is regarded as the final stage, at which union with the divine is reached (before or at death). During Samadhi the outward flowing of the mind called vyutthana, (Desires, thoughts, attachments and memories about the outer world) is temporarily suppressed to allow a silent inner stillness and union with the inner being and "All that is" to naturally occur. Samadhi is the highest state of meditation, at which complete unity is reached. Samadhi is the highest state of mental concentration that a person can achieve while still bound to the body and which unites him with the highest reality. Samadhi is an equal state of consciousness where all aspects of our being are joined: physical, spiritual, mental and emotional. Samadhi is complete bliss, total consciousness, and super enlightenment... a feeling of oneness and connection with all of creation. However, it is far from an end, it is just the beginning of the yogic journey and to be used as a tool to receive deeper knowledge. Samadhi experiences can last from several minutes to several hours. It is a path to inner peace where the mind becomes deeply rooted in the present moment, entering into timelessness. When Samadhi is practiced regularly powerful transformation and deep states of awakening take over the students life naturally and with ease.
Yoga Nidra is translated as Yogic Sleep and is a state of deep relaxation of body, mind and spirit that allows for deep healing and rejuvenation. The Nidra state is a step before Samadhi and often can lead naturally to a state of Samadhi.
Silent Meditation
Each day of the stillness retreat we will enjoy time in silent meditation with the intention of basking in our unconditioned awareness, the divine grace within our eternal being. There will be quiet slow music to facilitate an inward focus and stillness of mind. All silent meditations will begin with a short guided meditation to assist in directing the focus inward to the silent, stillness within. We will bask together in silence as a group, allowing the group consciousness to support each individuals intention to bask in the inner stillness of their own divine nectar.
Each day will include a simple yoga practice with a focus on restorative and yin yoga. This will allow you to connect to your body, mind and spirit as one, allowing a deeper integration of the meditation, nidra and samadhi practices. Yoga practice is geared towards beginners and all levels of yogi's, even if you have never done yoga before you will find our restorative yoga practices easy and relaxed forms that will deepen your overall experience. For more experienced yogi's there will be opportunities to take your practice to a more advanced level, however, the focus is yin and in to facilitate stillness and connection to the inner being.
Walking Meditation
Each day weather permitting we will take time to enjoy the splendor of the outdoors on a guided walking meditation through the beautiful country and tranquility of pure nature. There will be time during the day to enjoy the outdoors and enjoy a walking meditation on your own in the gardens and beautiful nature scenery of Midway, Utah. Bringing the meditative state into the practice of walking will deepen the stillness and allow an integration of all the beautiful practices of stillness during the retreat. Being in nature in a tranquil setting is a healing experience on it's own, when adding a conscious and simple walking meditative intention provides a deepening of Spirit as you bask in the glory of nature, knowing the Divine is working in and through all nature, and all things. All fitness levels will find our walking meditations quite easy and relaxing and individuals can choice how far they wish to walk within the time allowed. We encourage a slow pace in order to facilitate stillness of mind and body in order to contact the deeper aspects of the soul.
Mandalas & Vision Art
All participants will have the option of creating a spiritual mandala or vision board on free time during the retreat. This is a silent and sacred art space to enter into a meditative space and state that allows a natural creative process and expression. Art supplies will be available for one mandala or vision art per participant to create freely as a fun, expressive practice of stillness and inner creativity.
Simple Organic Cuisine
In the spirit of silence, stillness and inward meditation we will serve healthy, light, vegan & organic meals that will be enjoyed in silence, practicing conscious eating.
We will have fresh fruit & light snacks available between meals and hot tea and alkaline water available 24/7.
Sample Organic & Vegan Menu
Five Star Bread
Cold Pressed Juice
Water & Hot Herbal Tea
Vegan Ice Cream
Ecstatic Life Events are held in One World Sanctuaries. Accommodations need to be handled separately from Ecstatic Life Course events. One World Sanctuaries are shrines to John, The Beloved with animal sanctuaries, self sustainable & off the grid, they include spa services, farm & market, Ecstatic Yoga, cobb construction, and One World Events.
Location, Dates & Price
Beautiful Mountain Village Midway, Utah
October 9-11 2021
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